b'Palliative The Strategic care networksClinical Network We were delighted earlier this yearfor Palliative & when our Medical Director, Dr Tagore Charles, was appointed to two new palliative care clinical networks.End of Life CareAs joint Children and Young People Clinical Lead on The Strategic Clinical Network for Palliative & End of Life Care, Tagore will help provide support and leadership to commissioners and providers of palliative and end of life care in London. His particular focus will be on ensuring a consistent approach to palliative care referrals for babies, children and young people across the capital.CoPPARUntil now, much of childrens palliative care in the UK has been based on research conducted amongst adults with palliative care needs. CoPPAR, a network made up of children, families, clinicians, and scientists from across the country, is working to change this through the creation of child-focused research studies and education within the sector. Tagore is looking forward to supporting CoPPAR in its aim.24'