b'Partying with PreciousTeams across Noahs Ark, including SpecialistAs Raph, Precious dad, explained: Play and Family Link, came together to throw Precious a 9th birthday to remember!The best way to describe Noahs Ark is Precious has been supported by Noahs Arkthat there was a great sense of hope. since birth, so it meant a lot to us all toThey never bombarded us with talks about celebrate this milestone with her andend-of-life and what she wouldnt be able her family. to do. Theyve always helped up celebrate Precious life and focus on what the Diagnosed at only 20 weeks and born at 35possibilities are.weeks, the start of Precious life was filled with the phrase will never. But at NoahsIt is our privilege to support children like Ark we focused on what Precious could do,Precious and be there at every stage of rather than what she couldnt.their journey. 10'