b'Rory, volunteer at Noahs ArkSince we started supporting children in 2006, volunteers have been absolutely essential to everything we do at Noahs Ark. From helping families in the home, to joining the fundraising team, to serving delicious meals in our cafthe impact our volunteers have is felt across the charity.One of our amazing volunteers is Rory, who has volunteered with us for four years. Hes a consistent face at events put on by our family activities team, which create fun memories for the children we support and their whole family. Rory shared a few memories with us about his time at Noahs Ark:1.Whats your favourite memory2. What motivates you from volunteering with Noahs Ark? to volunteer at Noahs Ark?There are so many memories, itsI volunteered for Noahs Ark because I impossible to choose just one moment.had previously done a lot of charity work The events create an environment forbut little of it involved direct involvement the children to enjoy themselves, to havewith the beneficiaries. Noahs Ark has new experiences and for the volunteers,given me an opportunity to interact if they are lucky, to create a positivewith a range of wonderful peoplethe rapport with them.Noahs Ark children, their siblings and For example, on the long weekend awayfamily; the other volunteers and, last in the Isle of Wight, it was the first timebut not least, the amazing staff at a child I was sitting next to on the coachNoahs Ark.had seen the sea or been on a boat. On returning from a trip to the Science On returning from the same trip, myMuseum, our taxi pulled up at a set of day was made when one of the childrentraffic lights and we were approached suggested to Rachael [a Familyby a disabled, desperate-looking man Activities Coordinator] that itasking for some money. One of the would be a good idea if Noahs Arkyoung boys in the car suddenly said gave me a permanent job! Put the window down. Put the window down. I did this and the boys hand reached over me to give the man the 5 his mum had given him as money for the trip. I was humbled and so proud of him.Thats why I volunteer at Noahs Ark.21'