b'HelloWelcome to the first edition of ourrevamped Noahs Ark newsletterMoments That Matter.As a childrens hospice, its our missionface light up in our hydrotherapy pool, to help babies, children and youngor following a day out with a Noahs Ark people who are seriously unwell, andcarer. There have been concert trips, their families, make the most of everymanicures, birthday parties and so day. Were not here to treat illnesses ormuch more.change a prognosis. Instead, we help those we support to enjoy the time theyAs a charity, we now have more nurses have together. We create moments ofthan ever before, and this year weve joy by organising fun activities, providingcontinued to build partnerships with outstanding care and helping familiesexperts in palliative care, as well as overcome the challenges they face.other health care provider and charities. Together we can ensure that those who In this edition you can read about someneed us most get the support they need. of the amazing moments the children and families we support have experiencedSupporters like you make our work this year. Some have been photographedpossible. From all of us at Noahs Ark, at The Ark by world-famous photographerthank you for all that you do.Rankin. Others have seen their childs 2'