b'A weekend away for Jo and AndyIt is important for all parents to experience some child-free moments. Whether thats to go on a date-night, catch up on life-admin or simply have a lie-inhaving some timeto yourself when you are a parent is vital. This isnt always so easy to organise when your child is seriously unwell. This is the case for Andy and Jo, whose daughter, Izzy cant simply be left with relatives for the weekend due to her complex needs. Jo and Andy got in touch with Noahs Ark to organise overnight care so they could have a weekend together. As the wellbeing of parents is just as much a priority as the wellbeing of the child who is unwell, we were delighted to make this happen.And boy did they seize the opportunity! Not only did they attend a wedding, but also a music festival! We were sopleased they enjoyed themselves,safe in the knowledge that theirdaughter was having a wonderful time at The Ark in the care of our highly-trained team. 14'