b'MeetMy name is Dr Heather Mackinnon and Imthea trustee of Noahs ArkHeather was a Consultant Paediatrician at team a north London hospital for nearly 30 years. She was appointed MBE in 2014 for services to paediatrics, child health and child protection. Heather has been a trustee for Noahs Ark since 2016 and offers advice to From our trustees andthe Board of Trustees on medical matters.Chief Executive to ourHeather said: Ive worked with children play specialists, nursesand families my entire career, but what you and volunteers, everyoneoften dont see is the social and economic at Noahs Ark is here toimpact that having a child with a life-help the children andlimiting or life-threatening condition has on the entire family. Many feel isolated, families we support enjoyhave to give up their employment and find life together, no matterthemselves having to navigate the confusing the challenges they face.world of benefits.I feel so privileged to be able to see the impact that Noahs Ark has on the lives of those they support. As well as the expert clinical care, we empower families and help them build a community of support. This is represented so well at the Family Days, which I always try to attend, where you can see children and families having fun together. For me, those days are what Noahs Ark is all about. 20'