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Our vision is for every baby, child and young person who is seriously unwell, and their loved ones, to have access to the care they need from the point of diagnosis. We can only make this happen with the support of our community. Together, we can ensure that no child is left behind.

This part of the website is currently under construction. Read below or contact us to find out how you can get involved.


Across our north and central London catchment area, there are over 2,400 babies, children and young people who have life-limiting or life-threatening conditions – many of whom require complex care.

At present, we care for over 350 children who live with 132 different conditions. Our ambition is to reach many more. With your support, whether that is through volunteering, donating or fundraising, we can make this ambition a reality.


Volunteering has always been central to Noah’s Ark. Whether you can spare a few hours or a couple of days a week, by volunteering with us you can really make a difference. We are always keen to recruit a diverse pool of volunteers – not only to help provide care, but in functions including fundraising, marketing, administration and more.

Whatever your role, you are playing a crucial part in supporting the services we provide for children and their families. It’s a hugely rewarding experience, and one that will enable you to greatly develop your knowledge and skills.

To get started, please take a look at the volunteering roles currently available and complete an application form. If you have any questions, please contact us at: [email protected]

Whether you want to organise a dress-down day, a bake sale, a talent competition or take on a Guinness World Record, there are endless ways that you can get involved to enable our support for children who have life-limiting or life-threatening conditions and their families.

To talk us about your fundraising plans or to find out what we have on, please call 020 8449 8877 and ask to speak to a member of a fundraising team or drop one of us an email:

  • Run, cycle, walk or get covered in mud for Noah’s Ark. Whatever event you do, you’ll be helping us care for children who are seriously unwell. To take part in any of the below events, please get in touch with Jorja Champney-Willis at [email protected] to find out more.
  • For information about fundraising with your school, faith group or other community group, please contact Priya Singh, Head of Community Engagement on [email protected]

  • For corporate / staff fundraising please contact Rebekah Severn, Senior Philanthropy Manager on [email protected]

  • Supporting Noah’s Ark by playing Your Hospice Lottery weekly is a great way to help support us. Find out more information here.
  • Noah’s Ark is grateful to be the chosen charity for The Winter Ball. To find out more about this iconic partnership and how you can be involved click here.