It only takes a moment to change lives

Giggly moments, yayyyy moments, time-for-a-cuddle moments. For the children and families we support every moment matters. But it takes a lot of teamwork, equipment and money to make these precious moments happen.
Join our Moment Makers community by giving a regular donation and together, we can keep making lots of amazing moments.
For the families we support, moments really do matter. Giving regularly means we can keep creating them for babies, children and young people.
Use the options to choose how much you’d like to donate each month and let’s make some memorable moments together.
Join our Moment Makers helping babies, children and young people across north London make the most of every day.

It costs around £18,000 a day to be there for those who need us the most. With your support, we can keep being there for them.
Here’s how you could help:

£5 a month could buy special sensory toys for children and their brothers and sisters to enjoy.

£10 a month could help towards specialist craft materials and games at one of our Family Days.

We strive for children and families to make the most of the time they have together, creating memories that last a lifetime.
“Noah’s Ark really understand how important every moment is to a family like ours”

Our Moment Makers are marvellous

Parents, grandparents, working, retired; our Moment Makers come in lots of different shapes and sizes but they all have one thing in common: they’re wonderfully generous, caring and passionate people.
We couldn’t support the families we do without them! We’d love to have you on board, so why not consider becoming a moment maker yourself?
Become a moment makerJemma Bridger, Clinical Lead, LTV, The Royal Brompton NHS Trust
Noah’s Ark’s willingness to break the mould by committing to training in this area and supporting Long-Term Ventilated children is laudable and the Noah’s Ark team’s ethos of providing excellent care is palpable.
Mother of child in Noah’s Ark care
Everything about Noah’s Ark just works, unlike other services. The communication with Katie, our Specialist Carer, with Adele, our Family Link Worker and with Kirsty, the Music Therapist – it’s a whole family approach and we really feel valued. And Katie offers so much more than just ‘care.
Toni, Joe’s mum
They’re our family now. We all know where the journey will end and we want it to be somewhere that we feel loved and accepted with people we know around. We couldn’t imagine anywhere better than The Ark.
Mother of George, a baby supported by Noah’s Ark the end of his life
Noah’s Ark’s Music Therapist joined us on the day of George’s compassionate extubation (removal of breathing support). It was very comforting to know that he was surrounded by familiar pleasant sounds associated with happy and calm times we had together. For one last time we were able to experience being a family of three.’
Magnus’ father
Magnus has had some tremendous experiences here and some amazing memories have been made. It really is a Gold Star Operation, and with some of the highest standard of care that we’ve seen in our journey with Magnus. Through everything, it will continue to be a priority for us that he continues to come here.