Meet Jannick and his family; mum Asabea, sister Shaniya and brother Jevan. Asabea also has two older children, Shekel and Joseph.


Jannick has four limb mixed motor disorder which means he is non-mobile, and he also suffers from epileptic fits. Jannick is also non-verbal but expresses his feelings through facial expressions and noises to signal what he enjoys. Our Play Specialist, Ellie, is  working with Jannick to use Eyegaze technology so he can more easily communicate with the world. Jannick loves music and TV but does make his feelings known when it’s not quite to his taste!

Noah’s Ark has been supporting the family for nearly 2 years and they are involved in everything our charity has to offer. Asabea attends our Parent’s Group, Shaniya and Jevan take part in our extensive Sibling Programme and the whole family come to our Family Activity Days. Jannick also loves being in water and is a regular in our Hydrotherapy Pool.

One of the most important things Noah’s Ark have provided for Asabea is respite care. Knowing that Jannick is safe and being cared by people she trusts means she can focus on Shaniya and Jevan or just get on top of some housework – small things that many of us can take for granted.

Asabea also appreciates the emotional support that our Family Link Worker, Rachel provides. Asabea says:

“Talking to someone who is listening makes you feel you are not alone in this battle, just to be told we are here for you, that kind of assurance is very important.”

They also have visits in the home from their Specialist Care Worker, Megan, which they all look forward to.

Asabea was introduced to The Ark by another family we support and expresses her gratitude every time they meet, saying to her:

“You have brought me to a place where I have found a home, where I’ve found a family and people that will fight for me.”


Asabea recognises that life with a disabled child is rarely easy but with our support she can focus on creating special family memories and making every moment count.

Thank you for helping us be there for Jannick, Asabea, Shaniya and Jevan.