We’re delighted to celebrate the fantastic contribution from our long-term corporate partner, Ardent Hire.

For four years, Ardent Hire has been a steadfast supporter of our charity. Their recent annual Golf Day, held at the prestigious JCB course near Uttoxeter, was a perfect example of their dedication. Through team entries, an exciting raffle, and a bit of healthy competition on the green, they swung their way to raising a remarkable £27,000 for Noah’s Ark! 

This sum brings Ardent Hire’s total fundraising for our cause to a staggering £140,000. Their incredible donation will help children who are seriously unwell, and their families, make the most of every day.

Luke Holmes, Head of Philanthropy & Partnerships, shared: 

“We genuinely could not provide the life-changing care that we do at Noah’s Ark without partners such as Ardent Hire. We are truly grateful and already looking forward to next year’s event!” 

From all of us at Noah’s Ark, a heartfelt thank you to the entire team at Ardent Hire, and all the participants at their Golf Day.